Why do we advocate homecooking?

Why do we advocate homecooking?

No single parent has energy to spare. Many of us probably have weighted props and cons of commercial baby foods and homemade baby food. There are so many types of concerns when it comes to the decision.

Can you relate to these?

We have seen…

  • parents who sacrifice so much to exclusively home cook everything
  • parents who buy the most expensive organic nutritionist-designed baby food jars even while they are penny-pinching in every corner
  • parents who are just lost finding dairy-free, egg-free, and gluten-free recipes
  • parents who buy iron and zinc supplements from infancy
  • parents who buy allergen introduction supplements
  • parents who go nuts about what ingredients to introduce when
  • parents who argue very strongly about certain weaning approaches

Some of us might argue harshly against others for any of those above… BUT, we want to make it clear: WE ARE ALL PARENTS. We have hearts wishing the best for our babies and kids.


Many of you believe that homemade baby food is the cleaner and healthier

No matter of approaches, we believe that healthy eating is the best foundation for one’s wellbeing. We also believe that parents need to do whatever works for them. We are here to support you to eat healthier in a sustainable way.
Among parents that we have spoken so far, although we sometimes need to rely on packaged foods, ~95% of them believe that home cooked food is the best.
That’s why we are here to support you to prepare food at home and help you enjoy cooking better. Here is our breakdown of why we advocate homecooking.

Life-long health benefits

The first 1,000 days

are known to be a time when a child’s brain begins to grow and develop to lay the foundations for their lifelong health. Nutrition, in particular, plays a foundational role in a child’s development and his/her ability to prosper.

It prevents obesity and develops healthy eating taste.

Homemade baby food tends to be cleaner and more nutrition-dense, which helps prevent obesity while providing good nutrients. Introducing a variety of foods, especially vegetables and fruits, helps babies develop tastes toward healthy and nutritious food for long-term health benefits.


You have the control

You know exactly what goes into the food and how it is processed

By homemaking baby food yourself, you know ins and outs of the food. No need to worry about toxic metals, preservatives, additives, additional sugar, or salt.

Control and track food/allergen introduction

This is a key to any food allergies and intolerance. Introducing food and allergen properly can prevent avoidable allergies. Proper introduction and tracking are crucial so that you know what your baby is allergic to if your baby happens to be allergic to something.


Enjoy family meal time!

Your baby can eat with the family

Babies learn better to eat healthy by observing how you eat. They also should be learning to eat the same everyday food that you eat. Plus you don’t really want to prepare two or three separate dishes for a meal. 😉



We can help you with time, money, and energy.

Babies eat a tiny portion and you can probably make baby food out of scraps in your fridge.

We also know that careful planning makes food preparation much more enjoyable. We are here to help you with that! With our service, our commitments are described in this post.

It can be daunting and it takes a village to raise a baby. But we can be the village together.

All the parents have been there. We all have some tricks. We all eat and want to help each other. Let’s collect feeding wisdom. And we are here to give you the magic wand to help you save time, money, and energy.